Global Event Keys

Global event keys are single keys (or combinations of a single key and one or more “modifier” keys such as Ctrl, Alt, etc.) with an associated Python callback function. This function will be executed if the key (or key/modifiers combination) was pressed.


Global event keys only work with the pyglet backend, which is the default.

PsychoPy fully automatically monitors and processes key presses during most portions of the experimental run, for example during core.wait() periods, or when calling win.flip(). If a global event key press is detected, the specified function will be run immediately. You are not required to manually poll and check for key presses. This can be particularly useful to implement a global “shutdown” key, or to trigger laboratory equipment on a key press when testing your experimental script – without cluttering the code. But of course the application is not limited to these two scenarios. In fact, you can associate any Python function with a global event key.

All active global event keys are stored in event.globalKeys.

Adding a global event key (simple)

First, let’s ensure no global event keys are currently set by calling func:event.globalKeys.clear.

>>> from psychopy import event
>>> event.globalKeys.clear()

To add a new global event key, you need to invoke func:event.globalKeys.add. This function has two required arguments: the key name, and the function to associate with that key.

>>> key = 'a'
>>> def myfunc():
...     pass
>>> event.globalKeys.add(key=key, func=myfunc)

Look at event.globalKeys, we can see that the global event key has indeed been created.

>>> event.globalKeys
<_GlobalEventKeys :
    [A] -> 'myfunc' <function myfunc at 0x10669ba28>

Your output should look similar. You may happen to spot We can take a closer look at the specific global key event we added.

>>> event.globalKeys['a']
_GlobalEvent(func=<function myfunc at 0x10669ba28>, func_args=(), func_kwargs={}, name='myfunc')

This output tells us that

  • our key a is associated with our function myfunc
  • myfunc will be called without passing any positional or keyword arguments (func_args and func_kwargs, respectively)
  • the event name was automatically set to the name of the function.


Pressing the key won’t do anything unless a psychopy.visual.Window is created and and its :func:~`psychopy.visual.Window.flip` method or psychopy.core.wait() are called.

Adding a global event key (advanced)

We are going to associate a function with a more complex calling signature (with positional and keyword arguments) with a global event key. First, let’s create the dummy function:

>>> def myfunc2(*args, **kwargs):
...     pass

Next, compile some positional and keyword arguments and a custom name for this event. Positional arguments must be passed as tists or uples, and keyword arguments as dictionaries.

>>> args = (1, 2)
>>> kwargs = dict(foo=3, bar=4)
>>> name = 'my name'


Even when intending to pass only a single positional argument, args must be a list or tuple, e.g., args = [1] or args = (1,).

Finally, specify the key and a combination of modifiers. While key names are just strings, modifiers are lists or tuples of modifier names.

>>> key = 'b'
>>> modifiers = ['ctrl', 'alt']


Even when specifying only a single modifier key, modifiers must be a list or tuple, e.g., modifiers = [‘ctrl’] or modifiers = (‘ctrl’,).

We are now ready to create the global event key.

>>> event.globalKeys.add(key=key, modifiers=modifiers,
... func=myfunc2, func_args=args, func_kwargs=kwargs,
... name=name)

Check that the global event key was successfully added.

>>> event.globalKeys
<_GlobalEventKeys :
    [A] -> 'myfunc' <function myfunc at 0x10669ba28>
    [CTRL] + [ALT] + [B] -> 'my name' <function myfunc2 at 0x112eecb90>

The key combination [CTRL] + [ALT] + [B] is now associated with the function myfunc2, which will be called in the following way:

myfunc2(1, 2, foo=2, bar=4)


event.globalKeys can be accessed like an ordinary dictionary. The index keys are (key, modifiers) namedtuples.

>>> event.globalKeys.keys()
[_IndexKey(key='a', modifiers=()), _IndexKey(key='b', modifiers=('ctrl', 'alt'))]

To access the global event associated with the key combination [CTRL] + [ALT] + [B], we can do

>>> event.globalKeys['b', ['ctrl', 'alt']]
_GlobalEvent(func=<function myfunc2 at 0x112eecb90>, func_args=(1, 2), func_kwargs={'foo': 3, 'bar': 4}, name='my name')

To make access more convenient, specifying the modifiers is optional in case none were passed to psychopy.event.globalKeys.add() when the global event key was added, meaning the following commands are identical.

>>> event.globalKeys['a', ()]
_GlobalEvent(func=<function myfunc at 0x10669ba28>, func_args=(), func_kwargs={}, name='myfunc')
>>> event.globalKeys['a']
_GlobalEvent(func=<function myfunc at 0x10669ba28>, func_args=(), func_kwargs={}, name='myfunc')

All elements of a global event can be accessed directly.

>>> index = ('b', ['ctrl', 'alt'])
>>> event.globalKeys[index].func
<function myfunc2 at 0x112eecb90>
>>> event.globalKeys[index].func_args
(1, 2)
>>> event.globalKeys[index].func_kwargs
{'foo': 3, 'bar': 4}
>>> event.globalKeys[index].name
'my name'

Number of active event keys

The number of currently active event keys can be retrieved by passing event.globalKeys to the len() function.

>>> len(event.globalKeys)

Removing global event keys

There are three ways to remove global event keys:

  • using psychopy.event.globalKeys.remove(),
  • using del, and
  • using psychopy.event.globalKeys.pop().


To remove a single key, pass the key name and modifiers (if any) to psychopy.event.globalKeys.remove().

>>> event.globalKeys.remove(key='a')

A convenience method to quickly delete all global event keys is to pass key=’all’

>>> event.globalKeys.remove(key='all')


Like with other dictionaries, items can be removed from event.globalKeys by using the del statement. The provided index key must be specified as described in Indexing.

>>> index = ('b', ['ctrl', 'alt'])
>>> del event.globalKeys[index]


Again, as other dictionaries, event.globalKeys provides a pop method to retrieve an item and remove it from the dict. The first argument to pop is the index key, specified as described in Indexing. The second argument is optional. Its value will be returned in case no item with the matching indexing key could be found, for example if the item had already been removed previously.

>>> r = event.globalKeys.pop('a', None)
>>> print(r)
_GlobalEvent(func=<function myfunc at 0x10669ba28>, func_args=(), func_kwargs={}, name='myfunc')
>>> r = event.globalKeys.pop('a', None)
>>> print(r)

Global shutdown key

The PsychoPy preferences for shutdownKey and shutdownKeyModifiers (both unset by default) will be used to automatically create a global shutdown key. To demonstrate this automated behavior, let us first change the preferences programmatically (these changes will be lost when quitting the current Python session).

>>> from psychopy.preferences import prefs
>>> prefs.general['shutdownKey'] = 'q'

We can now check if a global shutdown key has been automatically created.

>>> from psychopy import event
>>> event.globalKeys
<_GlobalEventKeys :
    [Q] -> 'shutdown (auto-created from prefs)' <function quit at 0x10c171938>

And indeed, it worked!

What happened behind the scences? When importing the psychopy.event module, the initialization of event.globalKeys checked for valid shutdown key preferences and automatically initialized a shutdown key accordingly. This key is associated with the :func:~`psychopy.core.quit` function, which will shut down PsychoPy.

>>> from psychopy.core import quit
>>> event.globalKeys['q'].func == quit

Of course you can very easily add a global shutdown key manually, too. You simply have to associate a key with :func:~`psychopy.core.quit`.

>>> from psychopy import core, event
>>> event.globalKeys.add(key='q', func=core.quit, name='shutdown')

That’s it!

A working example

In the above code snippets, our global event keys were not actually functional, as we didn’t create a window, which is required to actually collect the key presses. Our working example will thus first create a window and then add global event keys to change the window color and quit the experiment, respectively.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function
from psychopy import core, event, visual

def change_color(win, log=False):
    win.color = 'blue' if win.color == 'gray' else 'gray'
    if log:
        print('Changed color to %s' % win.color)

win = visual.Window(color='gray')
text = visual.TextStim(win,
                       text='Press C to change color,\n CTRL + Q to quit.')

# Global event key to change window background color.
                     name='change window color')

# Global event key (with modifier) to quit the experiment ("shutdown key").
event.globalKeys.add(key='q', modifiers=['ctrl'], func=core.quit)

while True:

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